To Buy or to Rent a Trade Show Booth? That is the Question…

Trade Show Rentals
July 16, 2024

You’re suddenly in the market to buy or rent a trade show booth. It could be a tabletop, a 10 ft. or 20 ft. inline, or an island exhibit. You have a budget and requirements from the sales and marketing team. Now, you’re ready to start your research online or with a local trade show exhibit house.

Until a few years ago that meant one thing – purchasing an exhibit. But did you know you can also rent an exhibit? Or do both. As trade shows have gotten more competitive and expensive, exhibitors have demanded more flexible options. They want the ability to adapt their graphics, their display structure, and even their booth size from show to show. In that way, they can create targeted messaging for a specific audience while not spending too much or too little at a particular show. This flexibility – to rent or to buy or do a little of both –  has expanded the creative possibilities for exhibitors. They’re able to tailor their trade show marketing program.  

When to Buy vs Rent a Trade Show Booth: Key Questions

Not so long ago, most exhibitors wouldn’t consider renting an exhibit unless a trade show was a last-minute decision or they had a very limited budget. Many rentals, particularly those from the General Show Contractor, were the three D’s: dingy, dirty, and dull. They looked like rental displays from the show contractor, which meant they came with an unfortunate stigma as last-second, low-rent displays. 

That’s all changed. Nearly all rentals are now indistinguishable from purchased exhibits on the show floor, with the exception of highly customized designs. Most rentals are built with the same aluminum and wood components as their purchase cousins. They’re, in effect, kissing cousins. This brings us to the decision of whether to buy or rent a trade show booth.  

Let’s Start with 10 Key Questions:

  1. What’s your trade show schedule? Do you participate in one show or 200 shows a year?
  2. What’s your budget? 
  3. Are you an experienced trade show exhibitor or new to trade show marketing?
  4. Does your CFO have a preference whether you rent or purchase your exhibit? 
  5. Does your product or service require custom structures to convey your benefits and features?
  6. Who are your competitors at the show and what have they done in the past?
  7. Does your preferred exhibit partner have an extensive rental program?
  8. How much of the final decision is driven by someone(s) ego?
  9. Does your marketing message change based on the show?
  10. Do you want to own the exhibit structure and are you willing to pay for storage and turnkey services like inventory management and staging? 

Answering these questions will go a long way toward narrowing your decision whether to rent a trade show booth or buy one. However, before we go much further, it’s important to note that buying vs. renting isn’t always a financial decision. In fact, the decision is frequently based on factors other than cost, like flexibility, sustainability, or assembly. It’s not that cost doesn’t matter. It does. But other considerations are often more important. 

buy or rent a trade show booth

Pros and Cons of Renting a Trade Show Booth

Before we start with the pros and cons of renting a trade show booth, here’s a word of warning about how to rent a trade show booth effectively. Not all rental providers offer the same services, flexibility, inventory, or design capability. Do your homework and ask lots of questions. Knowing that, let’s review the pros and cons of renting a trade show exhibit:

Pros of Renting a Trade Show Exhibit:
  • Cost-effective: If you only exhibit at a few shows a year or you want to test your exhibit options, renting is much cheaper than buying an exhibit that sits in storage most of the time. You avoid the upfront investment and ongoing storage costs.
  • Zero Storage or Maintenance Costs: Rental companies handle the storage and maintenance of the exhibit, saving you time and money.
  • Design Flexibility:  Rental companies often offer a variety of pre-designed booths to choose from, allowing you to experiment with different layouts and styles for each show.
  • Faster Turnaround Times: Renting eliminates the design and build time associated with a custom exhibit, making it ideal for last-minute show participation.
  • Sustainable:  If your company has a sustainability mission or directive, your decision to rent should be an easy choice. The materials are reused by other exhibitors and lower the overall carbon footprint for everyone in the exhibit industry. 
Cons of Renting a Trade Show Exhibit:
  • Some Customization Limitations:  Rental exhibits tend to be generic and may not match your brand identity as well as a custom exhibit.  You may be limited in terms of colors, graphics, and overall design.
  • Potential Long–Term Higher Cost: If you exhibit at many shows per year, the cumulative rental fees may eventually exceed the cost of purchasing a custom exhibit.
  • Quality May Vary: The quality and condition of the rental exhibit may vary, and you may have limited control over any damage that occurs during the show.
  • No Residual Value: Once the show is over, you don’t own the exhibit. 
  • Non-Display Costs: Associated costs like setup, teardown, drayage (moving the exhibit within the venue), shipping, and graphics still apply whether you rent or buy..

However, the decision to rent a trade show booth isn’t always a yes or no decision based on checking a series of boxes. Some exhibitors simply prefer to rent rather than buy, even if the long-term cost is more than purchasing an exhibit. They may not want to own a display. Or they want the flexibility of a new exhibit for each show. Or they are committed to making the most sustainable decision for their company. Whatever the reason, renting is no longer a design compromise in most situations. You can get everything you want, or close to everything you want depending on your rental partner. 

renting a trade show booth

Benefits of Buying a Trade Show Booth

Buying an exhibit is an investment, not only in a physical property but also in your brand. You’re making a decision to get exactly what you need to promote your business based on your budget. In addition, buying removes the “here we go again” process associated with a rental exhibit – much like buying a car vs. renting one. You can now focus on marketing your company at each trade show without worrying about choosing an exhibit. 

  • Cost-effective in the Long Run: For frequent exhibitors, buying an exhibit becomes cheaper than renting over multiple shows. The initial investment pays off as you avoid ongoing rental fees.
  • Control over Design and Branding: A custom exhibit allows you to perfectly match your brand identity with colors, graphics, and a unique design that sets you apart from the competition.
  • Reuse and ROI: You can reuse your purchased exhibit at multiple shows, maximizing your return on investment (ROI). Some modular systems even allow for reconfiguration to fit different booth sizes.
  • Improved Lead Generation: A professional and visually appealing exhibit can attract more qualified leads and make a stronger sales pitch compared to a generic rental booth.
  • Greater Flexibility (sometimes): While some custom exhibits are fixed designs, modular systems offer the flexibility to reconfigure components for different sizes or add elements over time.
  • Potential for Resale Value: You can potentially resell a well-maintained, high-quality exhibit to recoup some of your investment if you no longer need it.

Keep in mind that buying a trade show exhibit also comes with some drawbacks:

  • Upfront Investment: The initial cost of design, fabrication, and storage can be significant.
  • Storage and Maintenance: You’ll be responsible for storing and maintaining the exhibit, which can require additional space and resources.
  • Less Flexibility for occasional shows: If you only exhibit at a few shows a year, a purchased exhibit might not be the most economical option compared to renting for those specific events.

Overall, buying a trade show exhibit is a strategic investment for businesses that actively participate in trade shows and prioritize brand impact. It offers greater control, cost-effectiveness in the long run, and the potential to enhance lead generation and brand awareness.

Cost Comparison: Buying vs Renting a Trade Show Booth  

If price was the only criterion for a trade show exhibit, then most exhibitors with a full show schedule would probably buy their display. Or would they?

Let’s explore this topic with three 10 ft, examples showing both rental and purchase prices from Exhibits Northwest.

Example #1

rent a customized trade show exhibit

The REN-1081 (rental) and VKN-1356 (purchase) are identical backlit displays with a charging station, locking storage, and an iPad swivel mount.

  • Rental: $7265 (booth) + $2893 (graphics) = $10,158
  • Purchase: $24,993 (booth and graphics)
  • Difference: $14,835

By the third rental, the exhibitor would have exceeded the purchase price. However, what if the exhibitor decided to remove the charging station and replace it with a reception counter at the second show? Or some other modification. Rental exhibitors often make those changes because the price remains roughly the same (in most situations). The purchase exhibitor now has an additional component, along with extra or modified packaging. And they may decide not to use the charging table again, which means they’ll need to dispose of it.

All too often, an exhibitor who purchases a display will not make a change, even if the change would benefit their trade show marketing because they feel locked into their original decision. A rental exhibitor has far fewer qualms about making changes, including even an entirely different design.

Example #2

rent a trade show booth

The REN-1070 (rental) and GKN-1081 (purchase) are non-backlit displays with a workstation and locking storage.

  • Rental: $7715 (booth) + $1962 (graphics) = $9677
  • Purchase: $18,637 (booth and graphics)
  • Difference: $8960

In this design, the second rental is about equal to the original purchase price. Less if the exhibitor uses the same graphics. By the third rental, the rental would be more. However, many exhibitors don’t factor in the monthly storage, assuming your exhibit provider stores it for you. Plus any “turnkey services” like inspection, packing, and staging charges. With a rental, those are included in the price.

Many exhibitors would rather not commit to a long-term investment or recurring maintenance fees on a permanent asset. And disposal charges at some point in the future. For them, a rental, while more expensive over several years, maybe less expensive right now and offer greater marketing flexibility.

Example #3

rent trade show exhibits

The REN-1079 (rental) and VKN-1977 (purchase) are backlit displays with a large monitor mount option.

  • Rental: $2857 (booth) + $1663 (graphics) = $4520
  • Purchase: $9190 (booth and graphics)
  • Difference: $4670

At this price, most exhibitors would purchase this design if it’s intended for multiple shows. However, this design is often an element in a larger island display with double-sided graphics. Other times, exhibitors with conflicting shows or those “testing” trade show marketing need an exhibit but don’t want to commit to a purchase. In those cases, a rental makes far more sense, even for small displays.

All too often, newer exhibitors will purchase a cheap, somewhat disposable display only to discover that it doesn’t reflect their branding or audience. An upscale rental allows them to showcase their products and/or services at a price comparable to a budget purchase.

When deciding whether to rent or buy a trade show exhibit, consider all your options, both short and long-term. There are benefits to both and in some situations, a combination makes the most sense. Talk to your exhibit professional to review your options.

Rent a Customized Trade Show Exhibit to Stand Out

Still can’t decide whether to rent an exhibit? Well, the expression “A picture is worth a thousand words” may make the decision easier. See the video below. 

10 Answers to Your Most Common Rental Exhibit Questions

  1. What are Your Show Dates? Renting an exhibit is no different than purchasing one. You still need to plan for enough time to design the display and the graphics and ship it to the show site. 
  2. Have You Reviewed the Show Floor Plan? The floor plan is critical to the design and the final booth orientation. You would be surprised how often exhibits don’t maximize traffic flow or are assembled facing the wrong direction on the show floor. 
  3. Are You Ready to Discuss the Design? Every exhibitor has unique goals and challenges. Your goals will allow the designer to create an exhibit designed to accomplish your objectives. This includes reviewing design galleries to generate ideas like graphic towers, lightboxes, workstations, meeting rooms, and storage. 
  4. Do You Need Assistance with New Graphics? Do you have an in-house graphic designer who has experience designing large-scale/exhibit graphics? If not, your exhibit provider can assist you with professional graphic design services. Effective graphics are essential to attracting attention and drawing attendees to your booth. 
  5. Are You Planning to Reuse Your Graphics After the Show? If you are planning to rent the same or a similar booth again, the exhibit provider can usually store your graphics until your next show. 
  6. Are you Planning to Rent Monitors and/or Furniture? Monitors, furniture, and any A/V decisions should be made well in advance of the show. You’ll save money by tapping into the expertise of your exhibit house when making these decisions. 
  7. Do You Need Installation and Dismantle Assistance? I&D can be confusing and many exhibitors assume their only option is securing labor from the General Show Contractor. In fact, there are independent Exhibitor Appointed Labor providers which are often a much better choice. For more information about EAC’s, go to
  8. How Will You Be Shipping Your Exhibit? With a rental, the exhibit provider will usually handle the arrangements. But you can choose to use your preferred freight company.  
  9. Do You Have Personal Properties, Such as Giveaways, Products, or Literature that Should Be Included with the Shipment? These are often last-minute decisions… but shouldn’t be. Given enough notice, your rental provider can include these items with the exhibit, saving you the hassle of shipping and the stress of wondering if they arrived at the trade show. 
  10. How Would You Like to Preview Your Exhibit? Staging a rental shouldn’t be an either/or decision. You should insist that your provider assemble it, attach all graphics, and take either photos or videos. Or both. 

rent exhibits

Ready to Buy or Rent a Trade Show Booth

Deciding whether to rent or buy a trade show booth based on your specific needs and goals can be challenging for many exhibitors. Fortunately, the professionals at Exhibits Northwest have been assisting clients with those decisions for over 20 years. For many exhibitors, the best choice is a combination of both. Purchasing some elements that you’ll use again and again and renting other components that are only needed for specific shows. Contact the Exhibits Northwest team to discuss your options. They’ll not only make sure you make the wisest financial decision but they’ll also assist you with maximizing your trade show marketing results.

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If you’re ready to take your trade show exhibits to new heights, fill out this form and we’ll contact you shortly.